The Sustainability Co.

Partnering on the journey to sustainability

The Sustainability Co. is your climate & sustainability governance and strategy partner.

We offer the tools and expertise necessary for businesses to enhance their sustainability maturity and prepare for climate and sustainability reporting.

About us

At The Sustainability Co, we are passionate about helping business boost their sustainability strategy by understanding opportunities for uplift and priority areas of focus.

We recognise that organisations large and small are at varying stages of their sustainability journey and will be starting from different levels of capability and maturity.

Our team of sustainability and climate specialists have been supporting companies to develop their sustainability, decarbonization, climate reporting governance and compliance strategies for more than 10 years. With our depth or experience and expertise The Sustainability Co can meet you at your starting point and collaborate with you to co-create a sustainability roadmap that reflects the values, strategic priorities and commercial realities of your business.









Collaborate · Cooperate · Coordinate · Connect ·

Our sustainability maturity and strategy solutions are tailored to align with your current stage in the sustainability journey.

  • Geometric drawing of an outline square with sections divided by vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines.

    Maturity assessment

    Understand your sustainability maturity compared to the average amongst your sector peers, your region, or against an industry benchmark. Our assessment tools provide visibility on your current status.

  • Sustainability baseline

    Sustainability baseline

    Your baseline is your starting point from where to measure and report on progress. Understanding how and what to measure and ensuring the supporting governance is place is key.

  • Geometric drawing of an outline square with sections divided by vertical, horizontal, and circle lines.

    Opportunity analysis

    Comprehending potential risk exposure and identifying mitigation opportunities are crucial for achieving goals and compliance. This enables business resilience and readiness for implementation.

  • Geometric drawing of an outline square with sections divided by vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines.

    Sustainability plan

    Your sustainability roadmap is co-created to reflect your business risk appetite, commercial realities and outlines impact opportunities and pathways to compliance.

Our services

  • Undertake a gap analysis and maturity assessment using our GAAMA tool to understand where your organization can focus resources, capability and capital to become mandatory climate reporting ready.

  • Our team of consultants will support your organization through the GAAMA process and co-develop a climate reporting implementation plan.

  • Access our Resource hub to support your organization to uplift internal capabilities.

Learn more about our ASRS readiness solutions:

Why us?

We know that larger businesses are better equipped to meet sustainability compliance obligations with access to capability and capital. Small and medium businesses that are part of these large organizations' supply chains are being impacted as the larger businesses seek to meet reporting obligations and decarbonize their supply chains by demanding emissions data and low-carbon products and services. 

By providing an affordable technical solution, we uplift the sustainability maturity that will support businesses in meeting reporting obligations and developing a roadmap to build resilience in a transitioning economy.